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The Price to Join

  • Whether they’re patrolling Chicago’s streets or handling the phones at headquarters, much of a police officer’s job involves public perception: that solid and impenetrable wall of blue with each policeman and policewoman outfitted in the instantly recognizable Chicago Police uniform.

    But what you might not know is that your neighborhood “Officer Friendly” shells out thousands of dollars for everything from her impeccably pressed shirt to the gun and holster she carries.

    And though officers receive an annual equipment allowance of about $1,800, the costs add up quickly. If officers bought just one each of the minimum required equipment – a scenario police spokesman Roderick Drew said isn’t common – the price tag totals nearly $4,000.

The article also provides a partial breakdown of costs for summer, winter, dress and optional uniform items, though we don't think the summer item labeled "shorts" is a regular item for anyone not working the Bike Unit and they miss things like boots, cuffs, OC, asp, leather cases for all the tools, and a gear bag to carry all the extra equipment. They don't even mention the vest that should be replaced every 5 to 7 years at almost a grand a pop.

It's a good beginning rebuttal to the aldercreatures and bean counters who started the bullshit about how uniform allowances are "bonuses" that should be cut. But it could go a lot farther.

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